• A Calm And Low
    Intervention Birth With the highest rated OB
    in the Hunter (Google Review)

  • A Calm And Low
    Intervention Birth With the highest rated OB
    in the Hunter (Google Review)

New studies show Obstetricians need nerves of steel.

New studies show Obstetricians need nerves of steel.

I have spent most of my career observing that when I go to conferences or see new studies it just confirms that what I was doing was right all along.

Common sense goes a long way in medicine and when doctors train they see difference ways of doing things that either make sense to them or not.

I will talk about new studies below which surprise, surprise are showing that when babies are taken out early - for not good reason - it may be detrimental for them later in life.

When I returned to the UK in 2003 for advanced training I remember a case where a woman presented on my shift with pre-eclampsia at 27 weeks gestation.  The boss asked when I thought she would need delivered for the safety of the mother.   I said she would be OK for another week.  I knew this was true from my experience here.  But the team that took over did not agree and she was delivered within 24 hours. 

So her pre-eclampsia was cured but the baby died.   

Another colleague I observed had issues with her anxiety.   So at the first sign of trouble she would "get baby out".  Her patients loved her and thought she was concerned and avoiding risk but all I observed was her babies on the nursery more than anyone else and an unwillingness to wait for a baby to mature.  Also her patients struggled to breastfeed as often lactation is harder to establish at 36 - 37 weeks.

It confirmed to me that I wanted to be a doctor who was patient and not a panicker or "hero".   

It means my patients always are always encouraged to get to past 38 weeks gestation unless there is a danger to baby where I'd be happily jumping in.

I'm proud of my patients who get to their date and I know they are proud of themselves when baby is with them that night of the birth and not needing the nursery.


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Newcastle Private Specialist Centre

Suite 1.1
26 Lookout Road
New Lambton Heights, NSW 2305